Live chat for

product and service products title

Improve your customer experience and capture leads you are missing. We can advise visitors on suitable products, ordering online, booking appointments and more.

Trusted by clients

Why product and service providers choose
Chat Heroes​

Pre-approved responses

All the responses given to your website visitors are pre-approved by you. We work with you to create a collection Frequently Asked Questions to ensure that we represent your business authentically.

Personable and professional service

Our Chat Heroes are adaptable, empathetic, and represent your business with authenticity to help you build a stronger relationship with your clients.

Lead Generation

Live chat is a leading conversion tool that many businesses are using already. Improve customer service, advise on suitable products/services and capture leads you are missing. Your leads are sent instantly to you with full transcripts ready for you to convert.

9 years experience

For over 9 years we have gained extensive experience providing customer service for property agents and generating leads for our customers via live chat.

No long term contracts

Our Chat Heroes are here when you need them. We don’t lock you into long term contracts and are flexible to meet the needs of your business to help you succeed.

Human Chat Agents

“Is this a real person?” Visitors often open with this question.

While chat bots can be useful, but we have discovered that customers are happier and more at ease when they know they are speaking to a real person.

What customers say about us

Managed defib service

Their understanding of our service and their natural approach to our website visitors is just brilliant. We love what they do for us, every day of the week.

The amount of leads that have been generated from their service that have converted for us far outweighs the monthly cost. We can’t recommend Chat Heroes highly enough for any business that wants to have a professional presence on their website answering questions and generating leads.

Colin Gilbert

Defib Machines

Start generating leads today

Want to know more? Arrange a callback

Why it works

Try our manned live chat service for 30 days. With no card details taken, there is no risk and no obligation.

We work on a month by month basis, meaning there is no minimum term or long term contracts. You can cancel the service at any time.

We work with you to get your chat box live on your site as quickly as possible. We have had clients approve FAQ’s, design a custom chat box and install the code on their site within hours of registering.

We work with you to create a small database of Frequently Asked Questions, which means all the responses given to your website visitors are pre-approved by you. For any questions we cannot answer we will take their contact details and send them through to a member of your team as a lead.

Yes, our contact centre and all staff are UK based, you are welcome to come visit us and meet the team at any time. Our office address is Town Hall Chambers, High Street East, Wallsend, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE28 7AT.

% Of people hate waiting longer then 60 seconds for a chat
% of people want to speak to a real person before purchasing

Start generating leads today