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Discover how we turn your website traffic into quality leads
- 30 day free trial
- Improve lead generation
- Human chat agents
- 90 day money back guarantee
- No tie in contract
“We’ve had a really positive experience in working with Chat Heroes, who we have found to be really proactive and consistent. When people visit the Chamber’s website, the Chat Heroes team ask relevant questions and manage to strike a great balance between keeping interactions polite, but also well targeted. We have definitely seen an uptake on membership appointments and sign-ups generated via our website. There are also fewer small enquiries needing to be handled by our team on the phone, freeing them up for more productive tasks.“

North East Chamber of Commerce
Why Chat Heroes?
What sets us apart
Lead Generation
Live chat is one of the most successful conversion tools you can use. Improve customer service, upsell related products/services & capture leads you are missing. Your leads are sent instantly to you with full transcripts ready for you to convert.
9 years experience
Human Chat agents
“Is this a robot?” Visitors often open with this question.
Live chat AI are useful, but we have discovered that customers are happier and more at ease when they know they are speaking to a real person.
No long term contracts
Pre-approved responses
90 day money back guarantee
Once your Company successfully completes the free trial, you then pay for months two and three. We guarantee you will see a positive Return on Investment within these three months. If not, we will refund any subscriptions that you have paid.